to worry, everything functions the same. Reach out to [email protected]
if you have any questions or concerns.
Why dashboards? What are the strategic objectives at National? What are your chapters? In Part 1, we’ll discuss the process for identifying key metrics. What should your chapters be focusing on? What are the top metrics to track? We’ll also dive into internal communication and buy-in for dashboards. View Slides >>
What should your chapters be focusing on? What are the top metrics to track? What type of internal communications and buy-in are available for dashboards?
Why Dashboards?
Next Steps:
Why is data being collected? Who will collect the data? When will the data be collected? In Part 2, we’ll discuss how to find the data.
You’ll learn how to identify the status of current data processes, steps to improve the data gathering process, and learn tools other organizations are using. View Slides >>
Develop a Plan
Start Small
Simple Tools
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