- Facilitate Communication: Like most relationships, the biggest success factor comes down to communication. By facilitating formal and informal communication with your chapter leaders and volunteers, you can build trust so that they will feel comfortable coming to you for help. Regularly touching base will give them the space to provide insights into their struggles and challenges when they do come up.
- Train In Financial Skills: Finances may not be everyone’s cup of tea. When facilitating financial training make sure to keep the 3 E’s (educate, entertain and engage) in mind. Arrange webinar, video or online financial training for all incoming officers.
- Provide Resources & References: Have interactive guides posted for easy reference when they have questions. Provide monthly, quarterly and yearly checklists that follow your financial policies and procedures.
- Encourage Mentorship: When needed, coordinate one-on-one coaching or peer-to-peer mentoring. Chapters officers may feel more comfortable asking questions or enlisting the help of peers.