Imagine you could access a chapter’s financial data in real time…what could you do with this intel?
You could identify areas where a chapter is spending too much. For example, you might see a recurring charge for expensive chapter website maintenance. With this data in hand, you have the opportunity to intercede, provide guidance, and suggest cheaper alternatives, perhaps a website template hosted and maintained by HQ or a more suitable technology partner.
With access to financial data, you learn about chapter activities by seeing where they spend money. For example, you might discover chapters with:
- PR campaigns supporting HQ goals
- Outreach programs
- Innovative virtual education
Now that you can see what chapters are doing, you can share chapter bright spots—exceptional chapter practices—with other volunteer leaders.
Chapter financial data helps you identify under-performing areas of a chapter’s budget. It gives you an excuse to dig deeper and provide advice. You can see which chapters are at risk and know where you need to spend more time coaching volunteer leaders (or staff) on financial management practices. This intel helps you prioritize the type of financial training and resources you provide to chapters.
Financial and administrative responsibilities require a great deal of a leader’s time and energy. If you can find a sustainable way to reduce this burden, chapter leaders would have more time to focus on member engagement. You don’t want these laborious tasks to dissuade qualified members from leadership service.
Software like Billhighway gives chapter leaders the tools they need to automate and simplify routine administrative tasks, such as banking, finance, accounting, invoicing, and 990s. Best of all, Billhighway provides a healthy balance of visibility for HQ and autonomy for chapters.
Billhighway reduces the risk of financial mismanagement by chapter leaders. Your organization can see what’s going on and pull the financial reports you need without having to nag chapter leaders for them. Alleviate the administrative burden of chapter leaders and you’ll see more qualified members willing to serve as leaders which helps to fill HQ’s leadership pipeline too.
Chapters on solid financial footing can afford to invest in the technology and programs that deliver value to members. As a result, member recruitment and retention improves, and everyone’s revenue increases.
During our webinar, “Chapter Performance Reimagined: Taking Your Association’s Growth to the Next Level,” attendees learned how their organization can mobilize chapters to better serve members, and increase recruitment, retention and revenue. If you were unable to join us for the webinar, here’s a link to the session recording and the slide deck.